Mesquite Tri-East NAACP hosts Feb. 20 Black-Owned Business Symposium
The Mesquite Tri-East NAACP will host a virtual Mesquite Blacked-Owned Business Symposium on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. Join at by telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799. The Webinar ID is: 859 8003 7237
The symposium is jointly presented by the Mesquite Tri-East NAACP, Mesquite Chamber of Commerce, the Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce and the City of Mesquite. City Manager Cliff Keheley said, “We are excited about this opportunity to help these local business owners recover from the impacts of the pandemic. This is one part of our Recovery Mesquite efforts to help the community move forward and onward.”
There will be a panel interview with business leaders and city officials to provide information to business owners on how to grow their business as well as presentations on programs about advertising and networking for business success. The scheduled panelists are:
- Henry Brown, President of the Mesquite Tri-East NAACP
- Janet Launza, Independent Associate with Legal Shield, Past Chair of the Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce and active member of the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce
- Michael Hooker, Owner/Agent at Michael Hooker Insurance in Mesquite
- Glen Bradley, CEO of Big Hit Creative and active member of the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce
Henry Brown, President of the Mesquite Tri-East NAACP, said, “With us, it’s all about positioning. This will be a great opportunity to discover, recognize, network and find meaningful connections with the City of Mesquite and other entities to help black-owned businesses flourish and to be able to sustain during these turbulent times. We are excited and ready to showcase many, many local black-owned businesses to create needful sustainability to improve their standings in today’s market and at the same time empowering our local economy.”